Yorkshire and Humberside museums federation announces closure - Museums Association

Yorkshire and Humberside museums federation announces closure

Organisation says it no longer has capacity to continue due to lack of board members
Advocacy Federation
The federation is based in York and represents museum professionals across Yorkshire and Humberside
The federation is based in York and represents museum professionals across Yorkshire and Humberside Wikimedia Commons

The Yorkshire and Humberside Federation of Museums and Galleries has announced that it is winding up due to a lack of board members.

The York-based organisation, which supports museum professionals in the region through meetings, newsletters, training and advocacy, says it has struggled to recruit new board members in recent years and no longer has capacity to deliver a membership offer.

Founded in 1931, the organisation was one of the first regional museum federations to be established in the UK. It is run by an executive committee comprised of and elected by its membership.

In a post on social media, the organisation described how events of recent years have led to “change for a lot of people”, with many professionals and volunteers moving roles, relocating geographically, retiring or leaving the sector.

Announcing the closure, the federation’s president, Lindsey Pickles, said: “We have been trying to recruit new members to the fed board for some time now and unfortunately we have not been successful in doing so. This means that the board is no longer able to provide an ongoing membership offer and so we have had to make the sad decision to dissolve the federation.

“This is not a decision that we have taken lightly as we believe that the fed could have a relevant and vibrant future. However without operational capacity this is not something we will be able to achieve.”


Pickles advised existing members to cancel subscriptions directly with their bank. The federation is closing its bank account and has already taken down its website.

Pickles added: “On behalf of the board I would like to thank you for your membership and ongoing support.”

Queries or comments can be emailed to members@yhfed.gov.uk.

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