Northern Ireland Assembly explores impact of cultural activities on wellbeing - Museums Association

Northern Ireland Assembly explores impact of cultural activities on wellbeing

Changes to culture and heritage in the draft Programme for Government
Government Wellbeing

The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service has published a two-part online article outlining the how to define and measure the impact of cultural activities on wellbeing.

Aimed at members of the legislative assembly (MLAs) and their support staff, the pieces explore how an outcomes-based framework might be used to capture the value of cultural activities in NI.

Part one considers the changes to culture and heritage related outcomes in the draft Programme for Government, which was published in January 2021.

Part two explores different approaches to valuing culture and heritage and considers the potential of these metrics as methods for scrutinising the value of future culture and heritage policies.

It has been noted by researchers in the field that the benefits cultural activities generate for society are difficult to measure and value. Because of this, culture and heritage can often get neglected or completely ignored in discussion about how best to allocate scarce resources.

The Northern Ireland Assembly executive committee has stated that it aims to improve the wellbeing of nation through culture and heritage. Of the nine outsomes in its latest draft Programme for Government, two refer to culture and heritage.

The Programme for Government has been through its consultation stage, but a publication date has yet to be announced.  

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