Transitional funding awards begin - Museums Association

Transitional funding awards begin

Harris Museum and Museums Sheffield to restructure
Geraldine Kendall and Patrick Steel
Former hub museums that did not receive Major Grant funding from Arts Council England (ACE) have been negotiating transitional funding, with some bids awarded this week and others to come in the next fortnight.

The Harris Museum and Art Gallery in Preston has received £229,000 transitional funding from the arts council, with £57,000 ringfenced for redundancies.

The museum previously received around £500,000 Renaissance funding, and is currently in consultation with staff over a number of redundancies that will be phased over the coming year.

Museums Sheffield, which was unsuccessful in its bid for Major Grant status, has been awarded £341,000 in transitional funding from the arts council.

This follows a previous award of £190,000 in transitional funding from ACE, bringing the total to £531,000.

The money is designed to cover the next four months and will help Museums Sheffield maintain its current exhibition commitments while it undergoes a restructure.

The museum is to make 21 posts redundant at the end of March, with a further 23 redundancies expected in late summer.

Chief executive Nick Dodd announced today that he had taken voluntary redundancy and would be stepping down in June.

Nottingham City Council’s museums have received £100,000 in transitional funding specifically for its Stories of the World project for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. The council is still waiting to hear whether its application for a further tranche of transitional funding has been successful.

The Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum in Bournemouth has applied for transitional funding of £150,000 and is meeting the arts council tomorrow to discuss the bid, which is based around "philanphropy and income generation", a spokeswoman for the museum said.

Derby City Museums and Leicester City Council Arts and Museums Service will hear on Thursday 15 March whether or not their bids for transitional funding will be successful.

Royal Cornwall Museum is also still in negotiations with the arts council.

An ACE spokesman said: "The negotiations are happening on a case-by-case basis and have not all been finalised yet. All of the transitional funding bids for 2012 to 2013 will be finalised by 1 April."


Wolverhampton Arts and Museums Service has applied for £270,000 in transitional funding and Luton Museum Service has bid for around £230,000, 40% less than its previous Renaissance grant. Both services are due to find out this week if their bids have been successful.


We wrote that the Marches Network had applied for transitional funding. In fact the network will receive funding from the regional stream of Birmingham Museums Trust's Major Grant allocation and has also applied to the Museum Development Fund. 

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