Editorial - Museums Association


Museums can – and must – tackle poverty
I think most people that work in museums would agree that the sector has the capacity to change lives. But there are probably fewer that would say museums can do anything about tackling poverty.

Last month, two reports about poverty were published. A Tale of Two Britains, an Oxfam report, exposes how the UK’s five richest families now have more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population. This staggering statistic points to a deeply divided nation and one that is becoming increasingly unequal.

The second report, Culture and Poverty, was written by Kay Andrews and commissioned by the Welsh government. It takes as a starting point the principle that culture can contribute to reducing poverty through regeneration, improving skills, increasing aspirations and tackling social exclusion.

Case studies and best practice are highlighted, but the report doesn’t rest on these laurels.

Andrews makes the point that while good work is being done, there is room for more, and a joined-up approach across cultural organisations and government would help ensure maximum impact.

The report makes several recommendations that range from the practical to the strategic. They include a network to share and exchange information about access and participation, and the establishment of a cultural and social inclusion board to drive implementation of the report.

Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales will this month launch an anti-poverty resource pack to support cultural organisations working with young people. The Welsh government will publish its response in the summer.

Although it is supportive, it is doubtful whether there will be any more funding for this work. But that can’t be an excuse for doing nothing; we have to prioritise the work we believe in.

Museums across the UK should take note of both reports. And consider that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Sharon Heal, editor, Museums Journal





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