Supporting Anti-racism - Museums Association

Supporting Anti-racism

Supporting Anti-racism is one of a number of courses that sits within the Museums Association's Museum Essentials Programme. 

This course is for everyone who works in and with museums, and those interested in joining the sector. It aims to raise your awareness and build your confidence in taking action for anti-racism. 

The course is divided into 5 sections with 5 lessons in each section. It takes 5-15 hours to complete and can be worked on in stages. 
We hope that by providing a mix of information, exercises, resources and signposting you will be able to develop your confidence and competence around your own anti-racist practice and be more equipped to take action. 

Supporting Anti-racism relates to the Sustaining Relationships and Partnerships competency. To get the most out of Supporting Anti-racism we recommend you spend some time looking at this competency, specifically level 1 and level 2 competency statements, to help you target your learning and create focus during the course.

For more information about our Competency Framework and our professional development opportunities, please visit the careers section of our website.

This course is not a substitute for in-depth anti-racism training and we would recommend all learners take part in further training and development. We signpost to further training opportunities in the final section of the course. 

To begin the course click on "Introduction" below.

Join the Museums Association today to access the Museum Essentials courses.

Free to individual members of the MA, new courses are added over time, and provide essential learning for all museum professionals and students.
