Grants and financial support for Conference 2024 - Museums Association

Conference 2024: The Joy of Museums

We know that attending conferences can be costly and some of our attendees may be looking for financial support to help fund their MA Conference experience this year.

On this page, we will share key professional development and training funding sources for museum workers and organisations across the UK to help with your search for funding.

If you know of any funding sources we’ve not included, please email with details so we can feature them on this page.

Across the UK

MA inclusive places – Our Benevolent Fund provides funded in-person and online places to individual members who face barriers due to ethnicity, disability, socio-economic background, and gender identity or sexual orientation (LGBTQ).

Successful applicants who attend conference in-person in Leeds will also be able to claim up to £250 from the Benevolent Fund to support travel, subsistence and accommodation costs. Apply for an inclusive place at conference by 12 noon on 3 October 2024. We will let you know if your application has been successful or not by 10 October. You will also be sent details of how to claim travel expenses.

MA Benevolent Fund – We also use the Benevolent Fund to support our members’ professional development. Applications are considered on a monthly basis and funds are allocated for the advancement of education, training and development of our members.

Association of Independent Museums – AIM training grants are available to support member museums to develop the skills and expertise of their workforce, both paid and voluntary. AIM members can apply for funding, up to £350 per organisation per year, to support training and development. AIM can support costs related to fees, accommodation (where distance travel is involved) and environmentally sensitive travel.

Art Fund – Jonathan Ruffer curatorial grants support UK curators, museum professionals and researchers to undertake travel and other activities that will extend and develop their curatorial expertise, collections-based knowledge and art historical interests. This includes travel and accommodation for conferences. Small grants (under £2,000) are offered on a rolling basis.


Museums Galleries Scotland – The MGS small grants fund allows accredited Scottish museums to apply for up to £15,000 towards support for a range of activities, including preparation and scoping work to plan and inform future strategic development. Organisations that have been issued with a temporary accreditation number having gone through the formal “Working Towards Accreditation” eligibility process are eligible to apply for up to £3,000.


Arts Council of Wales – Wales’ arts council has a range of funding opportunities available for both individuals and organisations across the arts, heritage and museums.
